Dirty Ducks Duct Service

Have an air duct or dryer vent cleaning related question? Dirty Ducks Duct Service has the answers. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • How long should it take to clean an average size house?

    An average size house will take between 3 to 5 hours depending on if it's a 2 man crew or a solo tech.

  • What is the price range for an average house to be cleaned?

    The Environmental Protection Agency states that “duct cleaning services typically, but not always ” range in cost from $549 to $900 per heating and cooling system. At Dirty Ducks, we  typically range from $549-$750 for your average home. Bigger homes or homes with multiple furnaces could increase the price and scope of the project. Anything less than that, should raise some red flags and anything in excess of $700 “unless it’s a very large home” is just price gouging. Remember, investing in proper equipment is pricey. Many of the $150-200 “whole house specials” that other companies offer, are cleaned by horribly performing equipment.

  • What about these companies that offer a $75 whole house special?

    Stay away from them. They are usually a scam. You cannot do jobs consistently with two employees while using top-of-the-line equipment, and charging that little. We in the industry, call these companies “Blow and Go.” They do minimally effective cleaning with poor equipment. Basically, you’re wasting your money. They will start out with a low price, and then add costs mid-job. You should always have the price quoted before the job starts. Also, companies offering that cheap of price typically don’t have the money to invest in the proper duct cleaning equipment. Proper equipment setups are in excess of $20,000. We’ve seen far too many times, companies that use equipment barely worthy of vacuuming out the interior of your wife’s car! Again, the EPA states that most reputable companies will be in the $549-$900 price range, depending on the size of the house.

  • How often should your system be cleaned?

    Depending on certain factors, such as smoking, pets, allergies or asthma, and outside conditions, systems should be cleaned every 5 years on average.

  • Do you have a camera so I can see inside my ducts? I would like to see them before and after my duct cleaning.

    Yes! We do have a camera that can scope the insides of your ducts. We can show you exactly what you’re dealing with. This way, you are certain that we did a top-notch job.

  • What is the process that you use to clean the duct work?

    We start by removing every vent cover around the house. Then we hand vacuum every vent to make sure there is no blowback when we come in with the air tools. Once, the vents are clean, we then go through all the vents with air tools that are designed to agitate all the dust and debris in the ducts. While this agitation is the first step in the process, the second step is a large vacuum that will create a negative suction through the system (through the ductwork). This is what separates us from our competitors. Dirty Ducks has three different vacuums to choose from. We have a truck-mounted 35-horsepower vacuum, a portable 35-horsepower vacuum, and a 220-volt electric hybrid vacuum. This gives us the ability to match your home with the proper vacuum. Certain homes require a certain vacuum to be optimal. If other companies do not have these options, the performance will suffer. With the suction and agitation combined, dust and debris are stirred up and the suction pulls it out. We work out way from the vent ducts, to the main trunk lines. Then from the main trunk lines to the furnace. We finish the job by cleaning out the top and bottom portions of the furnace. This process ensures that the entire duct system is cleaned.

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